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Executive Event Director

Jessie is a senior studying biomedical engineering. Before coming to Penn State, Jessie attended Relay For Life events in her community. At Penn State, she was an Entertainment Committee Member her freshman year. Sophomore year she was the Entertainment Overall and last year she was the Executive Event Director, a role she is excited to continue this year! Jessie joined Relay For Life as a way to meet people passionate about the cause, give back to the community, and help her loved ones in the fight against cancer. Jessie Relays for all of her friends and family that have had to experience this terrible disease and so that one day we can celebrate a world without cancer. 




Aleah is a senior majoring in accounting with a minor in IST. She joined Relay For Life her freshman year of college. Aleah was an Administration Committee Member both her freshman and sophomore year. Her junior year she became the Administration Overall and she is still in that role this year. Aleah joined Relay For Life because she wanted to have a positive impact on something that so negatively impacts so many people. Aleah Relays for her Grampy, who lost his battle to cancer, and she Relays for other friends and family who have been affected by cancer. Aleah is looking forward to an even bigger and better Relay For Life weekend this year!



General Recruitment & Involvement

Jaden is a junior studying management information systems. Jaden joined Relay For Life her sophomore year of college as a Donor Relations Committee Member. Jaden Relays for her mother, Victoria Taylor, who passed away from Leukemia. Jaden joined Relay For Life to meet an amazing group of people who are as passionate as she is about raising money for the American Cancer Society.




Colin is a junior studying civil engineering. His sophomore year, Colin was a part of the Entertainment committee as a CM. Colin Relays for his grandfather and his best friend. Colin joined Relay For Life because of his friend’s commitment to the cause. 



Public Relations

Sydney is a junior double majoring in English and public relations. Her sophomore year, she was a part of the Entertainment committee as a CM. Sydney Relays for her grandmother and her cousin, who have both passed away from cancer. 




Meherunnessa is a senior studying mechanical engineering. Meherunessa joined Relay For Life her sophomore year as a Donor Relations Committee Member. Her junior year she became the Merchandise Overall and is still in that role for this year. Meherunnessa Relays for more birthdays and her track coach. Meherunnessa joined Relay For Life to help make a difference in the community and help fundraise for a good cause.




Katharine is a senior majoring in criminology with minors in sociology and psychology. She was a Mission Committee Member her freshman and sophomore year. Her junior year she became the Mission Overall and she is the Mission Overall again this year. Katharine joined Relay For Life to help others who are fighting cancer, and she Relays for her grandparents who passed away from cancer and her dad who is a survivor of cancer.



Donor Relations

Julia is a senior double majoring in English and digital/print journalism with a minor in technical writing within the Schreyer Honors College. Before coming to Penn State, Julia formed a Relay For Life team - The Striders - in high school and served as team captain for 3 years. In college, she joined the Fundraising Committee her freshman year and served as the Fundraising Overall for both her sophomore and junior year. This year, she is excited to serve as the Donor Relations Overall and looks forward to collaborating with local businesses and organizations. Julia joined Relay For Life at Penn State because she enjoys participating in an organization centered around supporting cancer patients and their families as well as developing research. She Relays for her family and friends who have battled and/or are currently fighting cancer. 



Greek Recruitment & Involvement 

Emma is a sophomore studying architectural engineering. Her freshman year she as a Fundraising Committee Member. Emma Relays for those who need to be remembered, are fighting, and have survived. Emma joined Relay For Life to help others.




Grace is a junior studying kinesiology. She has participated in Relay For Life in her hometown on a family team for about 10 years. Last year, Grace was on the Fundraising committee. Grace Relays because she is very passionate about the research aspect of the Relay mission, she believes that research is truly the most important thing to help fight cancer and to have better means for cancer prevention. She knows many people within her close community that have had to battle cancer and all of them had benefits with their fight because of research.  

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